it's the typical history is the bump

developed over a period of days or weeks the eyelid is not red.

It's not inflamed but there's definite tenderness. Where the bump is located the bump is typically a non-infected occluded oil gland the name of the oil gland is the meibomian gland there are about 50 meibomian glands in each of our upper lids and about 25 meibomian glands in each of our lower eyelids if these glands become obstructed. where the oil that's made in the eyelid. This oil normally produces an oil slick for our tear film to slow down the evaporation rate of our natural tear layer on our eye surface but if these oil glands become obstructed then it's of great concern to the patient the most common treatment that i recommend if the meibomian gland has only been there for a week or less is to apply heat and massage to the eyelid it can take one of two forms if you do it twice a day for about five minutes you can either let hot water from the shower head flow onto the bump and as you massage it you'll liquefy the trapped oil which is semi-solid in the eyelid the heat will liquefy that oil and as you massage it the oil will flow out through the orifices that are just behind the row of eyelashes if you have a shellacean on your lower lid you massage upward if you have a shilazin on your upper lid you massage downward you let the hot water from the hot shower head flow over your eyelid while you're massaging and the eyelid is being heated up if you do that twice a day for a week usually the chalazion  will go away similarly another treatment is to take a hard-boiled egg that's cooked and it's still hot but just not quite hot enough to burn your skin you apply the hard-boiled egg to the upper lid if the chalazin's there or the lower lid if that's where the chalazion is located massage it and again just like hot water it should liquefy the contents of the chalazion and the oil should drain on its own i find there's about a 90%  success rate with this treatment if the has been present for one week or less if you're in the 10 percent that the chalazion does not go away with that treatment that chalazion may kind of just stay with you and so in this particular instance we're going to talk about the patient who contacted us about a month ago she tried the heat but the heat did not make the chalazion go away .  okay so what it is is a blocked oil gland so in your eyelid there are oil glands that run vertically on each lid  glands empty through orifices that are just behind your row of eyelashes so you have a blocked oil gland back there the reason why we wanted you to apply heat was the heat would liquefy the trapped oil that's semi-solid in your eyelid and if you massage it a lot of times it empties through the pores if it's not able to do that we can drain it so we inject the eyelid with an anesthetic you feel that for 10 seconds.

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