The visual pathway so we're going to take how the light hits the retina and we're going to take it through the optic nerve and all the other different process if you guys have already watched our video on the phototransduction cascade that's going to be very very important that you do that before we get into this visual pathway because we already talked about exactly how those light rates got converted into chemical changes and then electrical changes and how they went down the axon to the ganglion cells which basically made up the optic nerve all right so now we're going to have two eyeballs right
this is the we're going to say this the left eyeball and this is the right eyeball okay now first things first what I want us to try to imagine if we're gonna put a lot of different concepts together when you guys are looking you guys are like looking at anything around you we our eyes are so amazing that they can pick up different types of visual fields so for example this is the right visual field or the right visual field and this is the left eyes visual field okay so what is this one right here this is the right eyes visual field and this one over here is the left eyes visual field okay now with in the visual field you have two different components of this visual field we're going to say this is the nasal so since your you'd have your honker right there pretend this is your nose okay so pretend this structure here is your nose okay since this is the nose these two structures that are near the nasal region this is the nasal component of the visual field alright so this is the nasal component of the visual field and then this one over here would be near the temple so this is the temporal component of the visual field and this over here is going to be the temporal component of the visual field okay now to make it easy though now that we know that this is what it is it's nasal and the temporals these words are going to get interchanged a lot so I do not want to confuse you guys so what I'm going to do is for the sake of it is I'm going to switch nasal and since this is the right visual field this is what gets confusing the right visual field has a left visual field and a right visual field okay so the right eye has a left visual field and a right visual field so we're going to say this is the left visual field and this is the right visual field okay so I just want to make it as simple as I possibly can here this whole right eye is going to have two fields it's going to have the right visual field and last visual field same thing this left eye is going to have two visual fields it's going to have a left visual field and a right visual field okay simple as that now we're going to be able to kind of do this a lot easier now so instead of using the words nasal and tempore but understand those words because it's going to be important lesions okay let's say first off when we're looking out let's say that this part of the retina there's two parts of the retina so this is the right eye this part of the retina is closest to the Temple or the right temple right so we're going to call this part of the retina we're going to call this the temporal Hemi retina okay that's a temporal Hemi retina now here's what gets really funky the temporal Hemi retina is receiving light rays from the left visual field okay so from here this part here this left visual field is hitting this part of the retina okay so if light rays from the left visual field are hitting this part of the hit retina that temporal heavy right now but then the what is this one this one is close to the actual nose so since it's close to the nose this is called the nasal right Hemi retina so it's called the nasal hemorrhage now and it's called the temporal Hemi retina the nasal hemorrhage now is receiving light from the right visual field so the nasal Henry retina is getting hit with light from the right visual field .
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