Males now to have oxytocin but they don't have breast and uterus I think so what oxytocin is doing in the male's.
Do you think the only female have
oxytocin of males also have. what
oxytocin is doing and male body for
attraction. I mean if I inject you
oxytocin you will develop attraction no
the right word is is partially right let
me tell you oxytocin is the bonding hormone it's the cuddle hormone it's really loving Harmon actually when one human being touches the other human being in both of them their body there's a release of oxytocin
and if you touch someone again and again
and again in a hug and kiss ain't right
even specially when the orgasm is there
there's a big surge of oxytocin and
oxytocin act in the center of a system
on the neurons and develop emotional
bonding between the human beings is that
right that is why it is called bonding
hormone bonding hormones right and here
I would love to mention one thing you
any females release more oxytocin as
compared to the men that is why usually
female get more strongly bonded with the
men and men do get bonded but weekly and
they can drift away easily yes they're
right and women can never understand why
men do not remain loyal
they are designed wrongly or definitely
ever say right so oxytocin hormone is a
bonding hormone - right so female is lot
of oxytocin that is why they get
emotionally bonded very we're not
quickly strongly remember girls don't
get attached quickly they can attract
anyone quickly but bonding takes time
right and here I must mention one thing
there's something which is called love
in the beginning stage you know the
early days of love when you
and suddenly world changes their days
that depends on that does not depend on
oxytocin that depends on now that
depends on Prytania dopamine and
norepinephrine rhodamine dopamine and
norepinephrine these sub strongly
transmitters. when they are too much in
your brain and specially when you think
of your beloved person but you look at
the photo look at the person these hard
you know transmittal surge and you know
what these new transmitters they keep on
heightened alert state and they suppress
your area of the brain which are
concerned with the analysis and enhanced
activate the areas which are
concerned with the motion that so you
are a heightened emotionality about that
person without any sensible analysis
right and you are in love is that right
so in the beginning of love usually your
early phase is dominated by one dopamine
so Danny norepinephrine but as time
passes by the purpose of these three is
to keep the male and female bonded
enough time until what female gets
pregnant and Vivi's there yes but
meanwhile as time passes by both of them
start relieving male and female more and
more oxytocin and then they're bonding
come so that the friendly bonding occur
that baby which comes due to some
planned or unplanned inadvertent
activity both of them may remain bonded
for years to take care of that baby
right so in this way the early part of
the love the magical part where wrote on
in dopamine and norepinephrine is very
high concentration that is the part of
the love which is basically excited
stage and you don't think of anything
and you just go ahead with your love you
want plan to go ahead in the after the
your loved one even if he is or
going to help right but if you
really get involved and stay together
then enough oxytocin is released so that
if there the baby then what should
you should be bounded enough but
men are in troubles usually you know
what happened their ties with one woman
get this special magical what is this
this dopamine rhodamine and
right right and then they get Neil and
female get bonded but some of some men
are addicted to that early phase so then
they find another woman I want to
experience that thing and so and so
forth and women never understand where
the old to love days have gone where
they are gone but still they may love
each other why they love each other
oxytocin is there you may find a man who
says I love my wife I don't want to hurt
her but I want to have multiple romances
extra what extra cellular activity no
extra marital activities some men who
cannot control themselves they want to
have those activities but at the same
time they do not want to hurt their
maybe the family they have oxytocin
going on bonding and other side they are
having dopamine serotonin and
norepinephrine activity so what really
happened that excitement phase of love
some people like to repeat it again and
again is that right and very important
thing and what happened why nature
plants that after sometimes those three
excitatory hormones neurotransmitters
should go down you know why because in
early love when slow down in dopamine
and norepinephrine is there you focus
more on your relationship and so much
focus on your beloved that many
important things in life you are not
doing or they are disrupted they are
disrupted but actually if you continue
like that life will be destroyed so
nature just keeps you in magical moments
which has released six months to two
years depending upon the couple and then
that spell breaks and oxytocin come to
hold you together and oxytocin is high
then man can go out and still start
working and focusing on other things in
the world and women can focus on the
baby you are understanding most of the
couple's this only happens once or twice
in a life and 10% couple are lucky they
repeatedly fall in love with each other
right but for men what happen usually
they go look after where they can get
their spell again and again
and for a woman what they do it's almost
every woman complain with her loving
husband those are very good days when
you used to love the used to bring the
flowers of course and now he's not being
in flower but maybe is bringing other
things they will drizzle table and chair
and rice which is not happy for the
things you are getting it so what really
we've been all so long for those days
and men really go for those days your
understanding so purpose of oxytocin is
just to what bond and in this way
passionate love passionate love which
depends on know passionate love which
depend on dopamine floral and
norepinephrine with the time convert
into affectionate love passion is
finished between husband and wife and
affection is developed an affection
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